Presentation by Victor Fey on TRIZ

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This presentation is open to members and non-members. The seminar will acquaint you with the fundamentals of TRIZ - the most powerful methodology for the rapid development of compromise-free solutions to process quality challenges. TRIZ enables systems to develop faster, without wasting time and resources on the all-too-familiar random search for solutions. It is a key practice behind the growth of market and technology leaders such as Samsung, Hyundai, General Electric, Intel, Siemens, POSCO, and many others.

Victor Fey, TRIZ Master, CEO of GEN TRIZ, LLC, the leading systematic innovation service provider. Victor has over 35 years experience in TRIZ research, training, and application. Victor has collected more than two decades of consulting experience serving the Global 1000. His work has ranged the gamut from teaching, coaching, and consulting to facilitating and leading cross-functional teams in delivering critical breakthrough product and technology solutions. Only at Hyundai-Kia Motors, his consulting effort resulted in obtaining over 100 patents with an estimated ROI of $100 million.

From 1997 through 2014, he was an Adjunct Professor at Wayne State University, where he taught a graduate-level course in TRIZ. He has lectured on the subject at MIT, Stevens Institute of Technology, Chalmers University, Technion, National Tsing Hua University, Luiss Business School, and others. He chairs the International TRIZ Association’s R&D Council. His books include Effective Innovation: The Development of Winning Technologies, published by ASME Press, Introduction to TRIZ, printed by Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun (in Japanese), and Innovation on Demand: New Product Development Using TRIZ, released by Cambridge University Press (translated into Korean).

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Type of category: Special Event

Date: November 17th, 2022

Hour: 6:00PM to 7:30PM

# of PDUs: 0


Students: Free

Members: Free

Non members and Guests: Free

